DC Motor Basics:
A DC motor has two terminal pins for supply. Direction of rotation of motor can be reversed by changing the polarities. This is depicted as follows,
Motors require high currents to
operate. The current and voltage from a microcontroller’s output cannot drive a
dc motor. Hence we require an external driving circuit.
A simple motor driving circuit is shown below.,
Diode 1 is
used to prevent reverse current flow from the motor to the controller (Protection
Diode). When the microcontroller’s output is logic HIGH or ‘1’, then the motor
will start to rotate. However the circuit is for only unidirectional control of
DC motor i.e, the motor rotates in only single direction and can’t be reversed.
For this purpose we will be using a H – bridge.
H – bridge:
When a logic HIGH or ‘1’ is
applied (from microcontroller) at CW, then the transistors T1 and T4 will get
shorted and current flows from Vcc - T1 – motor – T4 – Gnd, thus making the
motor to rotate in clockwise direction.
On the other
hand, when a logic HIGH or ‘1’ is applied (from microcontroller) at CCW, then
the transistors T2 and T3 will get shorted and current flows from Vcc – T3 –
motor – T2 – Gnd, thus making the motor to rotate in counter clockwise direction
the input at both CW and CCW is logic ‘0’ or LOW, then no transistor gets
shorted and hence no conduction of current from Vcc to Gnd. When the inputs at
both CW and CCW is logic ‘1’ or HIGH, then all the transistors gets shorted and
all the current goes from Vcc to Gnd through transistors without going through
the motor. Hence motor will not rotate in neither directions.
CW rotation
CCW rotation
Brake / Stop
Interfacing with L293D:
There are several custom made H bridge IC’s available in the market. Commonly used IC by electronic hobbyists is L293D.
Note: if you buy L293B, then you have to put protection diodes
additionally, because there is no protection diode inside the IC. L293D has
inbuilt protection diodes.
L293D pinout:
Here is the datasheet – L293D
L293D has the capacity to drive
two DC motors bi-directionally (2 channels). You may consider IC’s left side
pins (Enable 1, Input 1, Output 1, Output 2, Input 2) as channel 1 and right
side pins (Enable 2, Input 3, Output 3, Output 4, Input 4).
- Enable pin is to enable the corresponding channel (Normally 5V – max 7V).
- Input pins receive logic HIGH or Low from the controller (Normally 5V – max 7V).
- Output pins are connected to the motors.
- Vss – logic supply voltage (Normally 5V – max 36V)
- Vs – Motor supply voltage, as per motor specifications (Normally 5V – max 36V)
- Gnd pins – All of these ground pins are connected internally and hence they need not be interconnected externally.
General Connection diagram:
If you use a 5V DC motor, the pin
8 (Vs) should be connected to 5V and similarly for different motor ratings. Various
colour wires have been used to differentiate between the connctions.
With GR-Sakura (Arduino Compatible):
Pins 5 and 4 – Input 1 and 2 of
channel 1 / CW and CCW of motor 1
Pins 7 and 6 – Input 3 and 4 of channel
2 / CW and CCW of motor 2
Since I have used two 5V DC
motors, 5V from sakura is connected to Vs of L293D.
while(1) // repeating / infinite loop
digitalWrite(5,1); // rotates motor 1 Clockwise
// rotates motor 2 Clockwise
delay(5000); // After
5 seconds
digitalWrite(4,1); //
rotates motor 1 Counter Clockwise
digitalWrite(6,1); //
rotates motor 2 Counter Clockwise
Where should I connect ir sensor .in arudino plz reply soon